How to handle a cat

The most important aspect of rearing and grooming of a cat is its handling and restraining. Cats are domesticated animals yet they are the most difficult to handle because of their uncooperative or aggressive behavior.

Many times handling a cat is difficult due to their unexpected bursts of anger and excitation. Cats are not so people friendly and prefer to live alone. If they are threatened they defend themselves by biting and clawing.

Cats have sharp teeth and nails. They yowl loudly when they are angry and can injure their master causing bleeding which could probably lead to infections if left untreated.  Therefore handling a cat require skills and confidence. Here are a few tips on how to handle a cat:

  1. You should be calm and poised before handling your feline friend as they need a slow and gentle approach. So to let your furry pal know that you are calm by putting your hand forward for them to sniff you, as it is a sign to let them know you are comfortable to handle them.
  2. Stroke the cat gently and scratch them between their ears, near its whiskers and the chin.
  3. Generally, to handle your cat your palm should hold its neck and the surrounding area with fingers by one hand and support the legs with another hand and lift them. Avoid using pressure while doing so, because due to fear or excitation the cat may try to attack you.
  4. Hold your pet closer to your body for more support so that your cat feels more comfortable being held.
  5. Leave their legs free from your clasp so that they feel more secure and are comfortable with the the fact that their free legs would be the first to hit the ground when they are put down.
  6. When you are placing your cat down tilt their head downwards gently so that they know where they are landing.  

If you have further queries it makes good sense to contact your vet for their expert advice.

Happy parenting!

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